
Satsang (Sanskrit for “meeting in truth”) is a form of being together in a small group, where what you are in essence is the focus. The form and content of such a session are strongly influenced by the participants’ input, but silence always forms the basis. There is room for questions and dialogues, sometimes monologues, from time to time exercises or meditations are offered – all of this in the light of your search for truth.

A satsang lasts one and a half to two hours. Being alien to standard daily routines and having to travel a lot, Jyoti only offers satsang meetings at irregular intervals. The exact dates will be announced in the diary, and they take place in the “Centrum de Bogen” near Amsterdam Central Station. Most satsang meetings take place at the request of the participants themselves. Due to the limited space (maximum 12 to 15 participants) a prior registration is required. Depending on the participants, satsang is either in Dutch, German or English.